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School of the Biological Sciences




Area of Research Interest

Dr Richard Adams PDN Visualising morphogenetic mechanisms
Prof Julie Ahringer Gurdon Institute Genome architecture and transcription regulation in development
Prof Clare Baker PDN Vertebrate electroreceptor development: insights into the evolution of novel cell types
Dr Srinjan Basu Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Probing pluripotent cell differentiation in mammalian embryos at the single-molecule level
Prof Howard Baylis Zoology Mechanisms encoding specificity in developmental signalling pathways, using C. elegans as a model system
Dr N. Sumru Bayin Gurdon Age-dependent regenerative mechanisms in the brain
Dr Thorsten Boroviak PDN Pluripotency and extraembryonic development in primate embryogenesis
Prof Sarah Bray PDN Notch regulatory networks in development
Dr Clare Buckley PDN Building and breaking epithelial integrity in the developing neural tube: an optogenetic approach
Prof Bill Colledge PDN Developmental processes regulating mammalian fertility
Dr Sebastian Eves-van den Akker Plant Sciences The plant development-altering 'tools' of parasitic nematodes
Prof Anne Ferguson-Smith Genetics Epigenetic inheritance: epigenetic control of genome function in mammals
Dr Angeleen Fleming PDN Using zebrafish models to explore the developmental mechanisms underlying childhood neurodegenerative disorders
Prof Kristian Franze PDN Mechanics in the development of the nervous system
Dr Elisa Galliano PDN Embryonic and adult neurogenesis in the mouse olfactory bulb
Dr Jenny Gallop Gurdon Institute Filopodia in neuronal growth cones and gastrulation movements
Prof Beverley Glover Plant Sciences Development and evolution of flowers, plant surfaces and the attraction of pollinators
Dr Brian Hendrich Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Chromatin-mediated transcriptional control of stem cell fate
Prof Chris Jiggins Zoology Evolution and development of pattern formation in butterfly wings
Prof Henrik Jönsson Sainsbury Laboratory Using computational morphodynamics combining live imaging and modelling for understanding the dynamics of plant development
Dr Felipe Karam Teixeira Genetics Molecular mechanisms controlling and protecting germline stem cells in Drosophila
Prof David Keays PDN Organoid models for neurodevelopmental disease
Dr Golnar Kolahgar PDN Micro-environmental control of gut renewal in Drosophila
Prof Matthias Landgraf Zoology Connectivity and plasticity during neural network development
Dr Joo Hyeon Lee Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Stem cells and niches
Dr Hansong Ma Gurdon Institute Mechanisms governing mitochondrial DNA transmission during somatic and germline development in Drosophila
Dr Juan Mata Biochemistry Post-transcriptional networks and cellular differentiation
Prof Eric Miska Gurdon Institute Control of gene expression by non-coding RNA
Dr Edwige Moyroud Sainsbury Laboratory Development and evolution of pattern formation in flower petals
Dr François Nédélec Sainsbury Laboratory Physical analysis and modelling of developmental and cytoskeletal processes
Prof Kathy Niakan PDN Molecular mechanisms regulating lineage specification in human embryos
Prof Cahir O'Kane Genetics Morphogenesis of the ER network in Drosophila axons
Prof Ewa Paluch PDN Mechanobiology of cell shape
Prof Uta Paszkowski Plant Sciences Molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses in rice and maize, which majorly influence plant development and performance
Prof Anna Philpott Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Fate choice and differentiation in development and paediatric cancer
Dr Emma Rawlins Gurdon Institute Stem and progenitor cells in mammalian lung development
Dr Sarah Robinson Sainsbury Laboratory Characterising the mechanics of Barley leaf growth
Prof Steve Russell Genetics Genomics approaches to transcriptional regulation during invertebrate CNS development
Prof Benedicte Sanson PDN In vivo mechanisms of epithelial tissue morphogenesis
Dr Emília Santos Zoology Genetic and developmental basis of adaptive morphological traits in cichlid fishes
Dr Marisa Segal Genetics Cell cycle control of spindle morphogenesis in S. cerevisiae
Prof Ben Simons Gurdon Institute Mechanisms of epithelial development in mammalian tissues
Prof Daniel St Johnston Gurdon Institute Establishing polarity in epithelia and axis formation
Dr Ben Steventon Genetics Comparative multicellular dynamics of pattern emergence during posterior body axis elongation in vertebrates
Dr Mekayla Storer Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Mechanisms of Mammalian Digit Tip Regeneration
Prof Azim Surani Gurdon Institute Modelling early human development and the germline
Dr Richard Tyser Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Form and function in the developing heart
Dr Jelle van den Ameele Cambridge Stem Cell Institut Mitochondrial genetics and metabolism of brain development
Dr Renske Vroomans Sainsbury Laboratory Computational modelling to study the evolution of growth and patterning mechanisms
Dr Erica Watson PDN The epigenetic role of folate during development
Prof Tim Weil Zoology mRNA translational control during early development
Dr Chris Whitewoods Sainsbury Laboratory 3D morphogenesis of plants
Dr Fengzhu Xiong Gurdon Institute Cellular and physical mechanisms of tissue morphogenesis
Dr Gitanjali Yadav Plant Sciences Computational analysis of gene regulatory networks in floral transition: understanding spatio-temporal community structure, resilience and vulnerability
Dr Phil Zegerman Biochemistry Cell cycle regulation during early development

* Note these are illustrative examples based on current provision and details might change. Not all labs can offer research projects every year (e.g. as dependent on space and other constraints). Each lab will only be able to support one student at any one time. Following introductions to labs, we therefore ask for a ranked choice of three, allocating the first choice whenever possible.