This is a novel, custom optical set-up, recently published in Nature, designed to extract diffusion information on single-molecules as they diffuse freely in solution without the need for any external labels. The instrument leverages open-access Fabry-Pérot optical micro-cavities to enhance interactions between light and matter.
With this technology, we are able to measure the diffusion of proteins and peptides as small as 1.2 kDa, that have radii less than 1 nm. Furthermore, we are able to resolve differences in conformation between biomolecules that have the same mass.
Our future interests are in studying heterogeneity of biomolecular dynamics and interactions, complex molecular mixtures and diagnostic potential. If you are interested in collaborating please get in touch with Lisa-Maria Needham.
Key experimental parameters:
Optical power - 5 mW.
Sample requirements:
Purified biomolecules in solution.
Sample must be able to be diluted to pM concentrations for the experiment.