Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field defined by the use of computational approaches to capture, store and analyse large amounts of biological information. It plays a central role in all areas of biological research, providing novel insights in biological, clinical and environmental areas.
The Bioinformatics Training Facility of the School of Biological Sciences organizes high-quality, hands-on training courses in bioinformatics and computational biology, targeting all audiences, from undergraduate to postgraduate level and beyond.
School-based Facilities open to all include:
Bioinformatics Training Facility at the Department of Genetics
Complementing local bioinformatics expertise, resources and services within the Departments, the Bioinformatics Training Facility supports all levels of expertise and ability, and provides essential guidance for new users of the University's High Performance Computing Service (HPCS).
Training and resources available:
- Basic Skills and Programming
- Databases and Services
- Biostatistics
- Introduction to the High Performance Computing Service
The facility is based in the Department of Genetics (see map)
Bioinformatics Training Facility Manager: Matt Castle
Website: Bioinformatics Training | (
The facility is open to all members of the University. Members of the School can also join a Bioinformatics Training mailing list and a Slack group. More information is available on the School Information Hub (Raven login required).
More information
High Performance Computing Service
Equipment and Services
- High Performance Computing
- Cambridge Service for Data-Driven Discovery (CSD3)
- Storage Services
The facility is open to all group leaders at the University of Cambridge. Group leaders can take on users under their own allocated resources.