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School of the Biological Sciences

woman looking working with microscope

Imaging Facilities in the School of Biological Sciences provide cutting-edge microscopy and image analysis services to support interdisciplinary research across the School and beyond.

Our Imaging Facilities cover a wide range of techniques and services, including light-microscopy, electron microscopy, live imaging and data analysis, complemented by expert advice and support from our highly experienced staff.

School-based Facilities open to all include:


Cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) Facility at the Department of Biochemistry

Equipment and services:

  • Titan Krios 300 kV electron microscope
  • Talos Arctica 200 kV electron microscope
  • Vitrobot grids preparation


The facility is based in the Department of Biochemistry (see map)


Cryo-EM Facility Manager: Dima Chirgadze

Email: Dima Chirgadze

Access and Training

The Cryo-EM facility is open to all members of the University, external academic institutions and industry. In house training is provided.

More information and booking


Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory at the Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience

Equipment and Services

This facility hosts the University's new 9.4T high-field MRI scanner, capable of the latest imaging techniques, including:

  • high-resolution structural imaging (in vivo and ex vivo)
  • diffusion tensor imaging / DTI
  • functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
  • spectroscopy (with 1H, 31P and 13C)
  • relaxometry (T1, T2, T2* mapping)
  • myelin imaging with multi-parametric mapping
  • angiography
  • cardiovascular imaging


This facility is based in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (Charles Babbage Road, West Cambridge Site).


Translational Neuroimaging Laboratory Manager and MR physicist: Dr Stephen Sawiak (

Access and Training

The facility is open to all members of the University. Please contact Dr Stephen Sawiak for more information.


Cambridge Biotomography Centre at the Department of Zoology


  • MicroCT Scanning
  • 3D rendering


The facility is based in the Department of Zoology (see map)


Facility Chair: Jason Head

Facility co-Chair: Daniel Field



The facility is open to all members of the University and external users.

More information and booking