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School of the Biological Sciences

Super-resolution microscopes available in the Platform, including specifications and location:



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PPMS System Name

Zeiss Elyra 7 (SIM & SMLM)

Abberior STED

Department (Room)

PDN (Anatomy Building, 18)

Genetics (B14A)

Frame type



System Image



10x /0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar DICI, 5.2mm, Dry (Air), 420340-9901-000

10x/0.4, UPLSAPO10X2, 3.1mm, Dry (Air)


40x/1.4, Plan-Apochromat, 0.13mm, Oil, 420762-9900-000

20x/0.75, UPLSAPO20X, 0.6mm, Dry (Air)


63x/1.4, Plan-Apochromat DICII, 0.19mm, Oil, 420782-9900-799

60x/1.2, UPLSAPO60XW, 0.28mm, Water


63x/1.46, alpha Plan-Apochromat DICIII, 0.10mm, Oil, 420780-9970-000

100x/1.4, UPLSAPO100XO, 0.13mm, Oil


405 nm

4 excitation lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm)


488 nm

2 STED lasers (775nm & 595nm)


561 nm

CoolLED fluorescence excitation (400nm, 490nm, 585nm 635nm) 


642 nm



2x PCO Edge sCMOS cameras

4x APDs



Transmitted PMT



Widefield camera

Live Imaging (options)

Yes (Incubation, CO2, Humidity)


Z drift compensation

Definite Focus 2, Software based (fluorescence or reflection)

 Continuous AF



2D and 3D STED capabilities for both colours



FLIM detection for confocal and STED imaging


3D volumes

Motorised xy scanning stage for tiling and multi-point sampling


Lateral resolution (XY): 120 nm

Inverted Microscope Frame (Olympus IX83)


Axial resolution (Z): 300 nm

Upright Microscope Frame (Olympus BX63)

Acquisition Software

Zen Black



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