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School of the Biological Sciences

The Department of Genetics in the School of Biological Sciences is based in the Genetics Building on the Downing site in central Cambridge. It is one of the few genetics departments remaining in the UK, hosting around 25 research groups focussed on genetic approaches to fundamental questions in modern biology with a particular emphasis on the use of quantitative or mathematical methods.

Research covers a wide spectrum, from cell and developmental biology problems with molecular aspects of cell mechanics (divisions, migration, and communication), through fundamental genome biology to higher order population biology problems that raise questions of ecological and evolutionary significance. As an interactive and outlooking Department, most of their research groups collaborate with other researchers in the School, more widely across the University, and with researchers at other institutions. The Department is also involved in Undergraduate teaching across Natural Sciences and Medical and Veterinary Sciences courses and offers a rich and varied environment for Postgraduate students working on a wide range of projects.

Learn more about the Department of Genetics.

Head of Department:

Professor Steve Russell

Departmental Administrator:

Casey Mein