The Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre is a hub for advanced microscopy and technology innovation within the Microscopy Bioscience Platform.
We aim to:
- Address pressing needs in modern biological science through the development and support of customised instrumentation.
- Advance technology innovation collaboratively by working with researchers to develop instruments hand-in-hand with their intended applications.
- Support the best commercial and University-developed instruments to offer the latest developments in light and electron microscopy, adapted to answer specific biological questions.
Research Technical Professionals in our Platforms and Facilities provide essential scientific support, and we follow the Royal Microscopy Society guidelines for fair attribution, ensuring their contributions are routinely acknowledged in publications, with authorship considered for substantial intellectual input. See our Fair Attribution Policy on the Platform overview page for more information.
If you'd like to discuss advanced microscopy for your research, whether it's a budding idea or an established project, please contact us:
Technology and Innovation Team
Dr Martin O. Lenz
Senior Research Associate/
Senior Technology Developer
mol21 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk
Dr Chengxi (Todd) Zhu
Postdoctoral Research Associate
cz374 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk